Tuesday, 3 January 2012

General Gardening in January

Snow hasn't really been prevalent this winter, and it looks like that is going to continue. But what have we had instead? Rain. The weather is really preventing us from doing very much in the garden, but there are a few simple things you can do to prepare your garden for the spring. Some of these tasks are simply carrying on things we talked about last year, but some are quite new!

If it looks like its going to get cold in your area, then keep the water pipes drained or lagged. However, if you've escaped the cold, its probably safe to run them again.

This is the principal time to prepare the soil for a vegetable garden. Your main concern must be, as elsewhere in the garden, with the condition and fertility of the soil. When digging the soil, it is a good idea to periodically loosen the lower soil by double digging. Dig two spade spits deep, but don't mix the lower spit of soil with the upper spit. You need only do this every few years. The rest of the time, a single digging will suffice. You should also avoid walking on wet or sticky soil because this will compact it.

Additionally, now is the time to make sure you've ordered seeds and plants for the next year. Even this is leaving it to the last minute, so ensure you get on with this.

Tackling the borders of your garden, the bits that can be reached from a solid path, is another easy job to do this month.

Alfresia is an online retailer of garden furniture and patio furniture.

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